
Health and Wellness

Understanding the Air Element, Our Gateway to Freedom

The five elements - earth, water, fire, air, ether - are the manifestations of the vibrations of our own consciousness in their most physical form.

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Yoga for Aging Gracefully

Aging and yoga should go hand in hand. Yoga can help seniors, older adults, and those of us recovering from injury or with limited mobility regain a sense of balance, strength, stability and flexibility.

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What is HIIT Pilates and Why You Should Try It

If you’re like most people, it never feels like there’s quite enough time in a day. Daily schedules are stacked full with family, work, relationships, household chores, errands, and self-care. Where does exercise fit in?

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Sixth Chakra Quiz to Access Your Deeper Intuition

The sixth chakra is connected to your third eye, the intuition center. There are seven chakras that distribute energy throughout our body.

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Is Your Spiritual Practice Fulfilling and Effective?

Is your spiritual practice effective at fulfilling your highest intentions? Though there are many different answers to this question, there are also some indicators of the progress one is making on a spiritual path.

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Seventh Chakra Quiz: Reach Your Highest Potential

The seventh chakra, also called Sahasrara or crown chakra, is located at the top of your head. This energy center acts as the bridge between your thoughts and the cosmos and offers you access to wisdom.

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