Health and Wellness

Yoga for Self Love and Longevity

September 9, 2018

LONGEVITY IS TO BE REVERED, not feared. To live a long life is a privilege. I practice this yoga sequence for self love and longevity to cultivate my own awareness of my process. I hope that yoga helps you on your journey to self love, too.

Self Love, Longevity & Mindfulness

The phases of life have different dimensions and are unique to everyone. I have discovered one dimension of longevity through the practice of making choices. Ultimately, longevity requires you to be a student and wisdom-seeker in your life. It starts with your thoughts. Observe and witness the thoughts that you are choosing.

  • Do your thoughts serve you or deplete you?
  • What is the self-chatter going on in your head; is it kind and loving, or negative and demeaning?
  • Do you talk to yourself like you would talk to your best friend?

As women our thoughts might even focus on analyzing our flaws when we look in the mirror instead of claiming what we adore about ourselves. Ask, what do you love about yourself, right now? Listen and communicate with yourself like you would speak to someone you love; feed yourself caring attention, powerful acceptance, and gracious self-love. Paying attention to your (negative) thought patterns can be intense and fierce work. I am right there with you! I can be hard on myself too. Plus, at times I feel like I am a professional over-thinker. It can be stormy; with emotional hurricanes, high winds of unnecessary worry, waves of self-doubt, swells of limiting beliefs, and driving rain of negativity. All of a sudden you are engulfed in the fog of your thoughts and are lost in a sea of self-doubt.

Then there is a defining moment when you come up for air – whether it is a phone call with a friend, walking in nature, reading an inspiring quote or attending a yoga class with the intention of self love. These bright spots of hope are ever-present, no matter the weather, but it is a practice to find them, see them, and feel them.

Like a lighthouse, true consciousness guides you back home to your practice of awareness where are reminded to choose self-respect, self-love, and self-acceptance for who you are right now. At this age. In this moment of your life.


Longevity is a celebration of your wisdom and all of the learning that you have done to make better choices in this moment. In honor of your journey, I invite you to celebrate with me on your mat through this practice. Light a candle, practice in your PJ’s, put on some tunes if you wish and slow down for this sweet yoga for self love sequence. Be aware of your thoughts, recognize them without judgment, and let them float away. Be present with yourself and cultivate joy for your wisdom and longevity. And always, Take care of yourself.

Yoga for Self Love and Longevity Sequence

Take five breaths in each pose, listen… and go with the flow.

Standing Forward Fold: This pose represents coming inward. Slow your breath down and take long, deep, full breaths. Close your eyes and listen. Give yourself a hug here.

woman practices forward fold yoga pose - yogatoday
Give yourself some self love in this introspective yoga pose.

Side Plank: Create any version of side plank. Explore and open your heart, reach and lengthen your upper arm. Expand your body, breath, and mind. Listen to what arises and go with the flow of your breath.

woman practices a wild thing and side plank variation yoga pose - yogatoday
This beautiful, expressive pose combines side plank with elements of wild thing.

Handstand Variation/Downward Facing Dog: Be upside down in this handstand option or in your down dog to adopt a new perspective. Take a leap of faith, and embrace your power.

woman practices kicking up into handstand against a wall -yogatoday
Use your wall at home to help yourself kicking up into handstand. If handstand is not an option for you, practice downward facing dog.

Side Lunge: Get low. Option to bring your hands to your third eye, to see clearly, and ignite bright visions. Connect with your intuition, your light. Honor your wisdom and your history.

woman practices side lunge with her hands in prayer mudra at her third eye - yogatoday
Tap into your inner wisdom by placing your hands at your third eye.

Child’s Pose: Symbolic of being snuggled as a tiny baby in the womb, let your arms stretch out or rest at your side. Surrender, release, let go, be present, and welcome in the new. Namaste.

woman practices child's pose
Child's pose is devotional and symbolic of surrender and new beginnings.

By Amanda Kriebel

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Affectionately described by many as a yoga scientist, Amanda Kriebel is an innovative Doctor of Physical Therapy, Yoga Teacher and writer who humbly claims to be a student of life.

Photo credit: Micaela Malmi | | Instagram@micaelamalmi_photography

Amanda's pants are by Liquido and her top is Anthropologie; her mat is by Lifeforme.