Yoga Philosophy and Lifestyle

What Is Yoga Sculpt: 6 Amazing Benefits

August 20, 2018

What is yoga sculpt all about anyway? Can yoga both relax you AND provide a high intensity workout?

As much as I love a super high intensity, fast paced workout, I will always be a sucker for a low impact, intentional, vinyasa class. In the past I would often drag myself to the gym or a workout class in order to fulfill my body's craving of sweat and intensity, leaving my mind and energy at the door. Although I had always seen the physical benefits of yoga, the mental benefits were what made me fall in love with it in the first place. For me, each type of class or workout fulfilled a different purpose. Until Yoga Sculpt came along….

What is Yoga Sculpt?

When I heard that there was a yoga class that combined vinyasa flow, resistance training, and cardio I knew I had found the workout that merged my wants and needs. Yoga sculpt quickly became part of my weekly routine and I was able to indulge myself in the mental aspects of a conventional yoga class, mixed with the strength-building exercises of a high intensity workout. It was a win-win!

woman practices yoga sculpt with weights -yogatoday
Yoga Sculpt incorporates small weights into yoga poses you may already know, like Warrior 3.

6 Benefits of Yoga Sculpt

Here are six benefits of yoga sculpt. I could list more, but you’ll just have to try it for yourself to see what it’s all about!

1) Mind and Body Focus

Sculpt practice has a strong focus on strength and intensity. It combines cardio and weights, making it unlike your typical yoga classes and more like a workout class. However, what sets yoga sculpt apart from other intense workouts is that yoga sculpt, like all yoga classes, has a mental and emotional focus. Not only do these classes strengthen your body, but they also strengthen and challenge your mind.

2) Creates a Safe Yoga Practice

A huge benefit of sculpt classes is that it provides an opportunity for both advanced and beginner yogis to target the muscles they need to have a strong and safe yoga practice. The muscles targeted in sculpt are not typically strengthened in a classic vinyasa class, but are necessary in your practice. People who are especially flexible can often hyper-extend into the joints, this practice helps strengthen the muscles surrounding and supporting the joints. Not to mention, yoga sculpt is the perfect way to cross-train for yoga because of the focus on cardio and resistance. I can attest to this by saying that nothing has made my yoga practice stronger both mentally and physically than cross-training with yoga sculpt.

woman lifts weights above her head while practicing yoga sculpt -yogatoday
Tone your arms with weights for safer, more integrated inversions.

3) It’s Sweaty!!!

Sculpt sweats away stress! Once you get moving through the yoga poses and then add the weight training intervals, you are literally dripping with salt water. Sculpt class will help you get that heart pounding workout in, while also stretching out with some yoga poses. You’ll leave the class with the sweat to prove it.

Want to begin your yoga sculpt practice at home? Try this Yoga Sculpt series on YogaToday!

4) Options, Options, Options!

Class will never become “too easy” or “too hard.” You'll get a great workout whether you are a seasoned practitioner or a newcomer. By having the ability to increase or decrease the amount of weight you use, you are always able to make it more or less challenging. One of the best things about the class is that you can always modify your practice, you can even do the class without weights and still benefit!

5) Boost Your Energy Levels

A sculpt class is perfect for when that cup of coffee just won’t do it. With Yoga Sculpt you get a lasting energy boost and a sweaty workout at the same time. You will leave the mat refreshed and ready to take on your day. The incorporation of a final savasana ensures that you have the opportunity to channel your energy inward and restore and revitalize the hard-working mind and body. In college every time I had a big day of studying I would start my bay with a sculpt class, leaving the mat refreshed and ready to take on my day without the caffeine crash.

woman practices peaceful warrior pose with weights -yogatoday
Peaceful warrior with weights becomes energizing!

6) It's Fun!!

When you combine yoga, cardio, sweat, and up-beat music, your workout is transformed. I am a firm believer that good music can make anything fun, and sculpt classes are notorious for being taught to a fun and upbeat playlist. Go by yourself, yoga sculpt can be your workout or just an excuse to have a fun, hot, and sweaty dance party.

About the Author

About the AuthorCora Mitchell is a YogaToday intern studying sustainability and communications at Santa Clara University. She is highly interested in and passionate about wellness, specifically yoga mindfulness practices.

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