Health and Wellness

What is Reiki & How Can I Practice It?

January 25, 2021

Reiki has recently become a more mainstream holistic healing modality: as the pendulum swings in the modern world of wellness, different techniques for healing spend time in the spotlight at different times. Reiki is actually an ancient practice, but what exactly is it?

Reiki as Universal Life Energy

Reiki is an ancient Japanese healing modality. The practitioner of Reiki channels universal energy or spirit through their hands to help bring the seeker physical and emotional wellbeing. When the word Reiki is broken down, rei means “spirit, divine” and ki means “vital energy, consciousness”. In essence, it is the practice of channeling spirit to bring balance to energy, move blocked energy, or support the energetic current.

Some might consider spirit their God, others may reference spirit as Mother Nature. What each of us consider spirit to be can certainly differ in name or feeling, though it will not affect the intention of the practice. When someone is seeking Reiki, they have already stepped onto a healing path for themselves, and the practitioner becomes a channel to assist them in their healing. A practitioner acts as a conduit only to help guide the energy, otherwise standing back and letting the universal life energy offer its healing.

A Note on Energy

Universal life energy, reiki, or just energy in general can sometimes feel like a rather elusive, intangible concept, and that’s because energy is invisible! Energy is not something that can be made or destroyed but it can be changed. A few examples of different types of energy include thermal energy (energy from fire), radiant energy (think sun-powered energy), nuclear energy (energy in atoms—atoms make up the whole universe), or chemical energy (food or gas fuels). So, to talk in terms of science, energy is everywhere and in everything. Our existence is an exchange of energy, whether it be the run you took this morning or the food you fueled yourself with after.

When you consider yourself as an energy body existing and experiencing the world, it can bring clarity to why energy work could impact your healing and wellness lifestyle goals. Reiki is a tool to help you work with your overall energy body, to help you shift and move energy to provide a clear flow of energy within you and therefore within your life.

What Does Reiki Feel Like?

This depends on you at the very moment you are experiencing energy work. Everything happens in the present moment and it's important to recognize your experience may vary session to session. Reiki generally leaves one feeling relaxed, at ease, and recharged. It has been shown to reduce the side effects of stress and anxiety and to promote healing and relief from physical ailments or injuries. Someone may also experience other emotions as energy that is stuck, shifts, moves, or releases.

What should I expect from a Reiki session?

When looking to book a Reiki session, it’s always great to reach out to your family, friends, and network, to find a practitioner that you align with and feel comfortable with. Reiki practitioners are certified, at least Level II, and have received their certification with a Master Reiki practitioner.

Your appointment may range anywhere between 30 minutes to an hour or more. Generally, you will be reclined, laying in a comfortable position, while the practitioner works with your physical body and subtle (energetic) body. Typically, your appointment will begin by you connecting with your practitioner reviewing any intentions for the session you are about to begin. Reiki uses the power of touch but can also be a blend of hands-on and hands-off techniques. The practitioner you work with may choose to have peaceful music playing or burn incense in the room as well.

Long Distance Healing

Some Reiki practitioners have started offering their services virtually! Maybe some of your staple wellness practices have been put on hold during the pandemic but energy work could be a new favorite from within the comfort of your home. Typically with a virtual session, you will be asked to find a comfortable and restorative position, reclined or laying down (you can even take a nap). This form of Reiki is called “long distance reiki” or “long distance healing”.

Ready to book?

Sofia Frasca is available for virtual sessions! Find out more here.

Explore Reiki for Yourself

Reiki offers an abundance of light and goodness to the world. It’s ancient roots speak to the profundity of the practice. If you are looking for a gentle and intuitive-based healing modality, it is worth exploring as a means to facilitate your healing process.

While scientific studies are limited in their findings and difficult to create for this modality, and apart from what’s been said above, there is no way to explain further how Reiki exactly works. You’ll just have to experience it for yourself!