Yoga Philosophy and Lifestyle

The Benefits of Acro Yoga: Take Your Practice to New Heights!

October 18, 2018

AcroYoga combines acrobatics, yoga, and healing arts to create a dynamic partner practice. Life partners and yoga teachers, Catherine Zack and Sam Breschi, have been practicing yoga for more than 10 years, but they discovered AcroYoga a few years ago. They say AcroYoga has invited them to tap into new types of trust and expansion outside of their comfort zones. AcroYoga is a heightened type of yoga practice: The Greek meaning of acro means high, or elevated while the Sanskrit meaning of yoga is related to union, or joining. The benefits of acro yoga are far reaching and can truly elevate your practice!

Learn the basics of AcroYoga with Catherine in Sam in their introductory class: AcroYoga 101 on YogaToday !

Check out this interview with Catherine Zack and Sam Breschi to learn about how acro yoga has changed their practice and their lives, as well as how to incorporate the benefits of acro yoga into your own life!

YogaToday: When were you first introduced to yoga and to AcroYoga, specifically?

Catherine Zack: I first found yoga in high school, actually in two different ways. I am the least coordinated and athletic person, and high school gym class was such a drag. One day our teacher gave those of us who wanted to opt out of kickball a yoga VHS tape and put us in the other room. Around that same time, I discovered one of Rodney Yee’s old yoga tapes and started doing that at home. Yoga has been a part of my life, in some way, for almost 15 years now. Sam introduced me to AcroYoga a few years ago.

Sam Breschi: My consciousness began expanding when I was a senior in high school. I started to see love everywhere. This is when I started to look inside my soul. The physical asana practice started for me when I was a junior in college. AcroYoga came a few years later.

YT: What do you hope to teach/give to people through AcroYoga?

CZ: The benefits of acro yoga include the ability to get outside [our] comfort zones, to get beyond the cerebral and mental limitations that hold us back so swiftly and easily. To trust, to connect with someone else, and to do something scary. This doesn’t come easy to me, and I feel like if I can do it, so many others can too.

SB: AcroYoga is another way to expand consciousness. It’s different in that you are working directly with another being, but it’s the same lesson as regular yoga: how to feel/listen to deeper intuition and intelligence.

YT: Thank you so much for talking with us today!

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