Health and Wellness

Spring Detox: 5 Ways to Hit the Reset Button

April 11, 2022
Last edited:
September 18, 2023
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Ready for a detox? Spring is here, and there is no better time to adopt an "out with the old, in with the new" mindset. As we emerge from the dark winter months, the coming of spring offers fresh energy to make some positive changes. Take this opportunity to hit the “refresh” button for your life and set yourself up for a radiant rest of the year.

What is a Detox?

While the classic definition of a detox signifies a period of time when you abstain from toxic or unhealthy substances, the term detox can have much broader applications. From detoxing your email box to your sock drawer, below we offer you a variety of options to create space for a fresh start.

Detox Your Home By Decluttering

You might be surprised to learn that clutter is bad for your health, but the science is clear. Clutter can affect your anxiety levels, it impacts your sleep, and it can diminish your ability to focus. When you think about it, it makes sense. Having a cluttered space can make you anxious as you think of all the things you need to do. Visual distractions take up mental focus leaving you less energy for your real priorities. And a cluttered space can wear on your self-esteem. You might feel bad that your living space isn’t more organized.

The good news is, there are lots of resources to help you declutter in a way that will work for you. My favorite is this 30 day challenge that becomes progressively more intensive . On Day 1, you remove one piece of clutter, on day 2 you remove two pieces of clutter, and so on. By the end of the challenge, you will have removed 465 items from your home. And if you like the challenge, you can always repeat it to keep the declutter momentum going. It doesn’t have to take hours and hours each day, but a few minutes on a regular basis will go a long way towards a fresher living environment.

Thin Out Your Wardrobe

Chances are at least a third of the space in your closet is taken up by things you haven’t worn in over a year, and having a closet jammed full of clothes you rarely wear may be having more of an impact on your well being than you realize.

Beyond the practical aspects of an overstuffed closet, the clothes you don’t wear carry some emotional pull. Maybe you aren’t happy with your body size, and you keep clothes from your past hoping you’ll fit into them again one day. Maybe you bought an expensive top that looked great on the rack but doesn’t look or feel good on your body. Rather than face the fact it might be time to part with these items, they sit in your closet and quietly gnaw on your self-esteem.

Cleaning out your closet is a good detox for your mental state. If you aren’t sure where to start, you can follow the Marie Kondo guideline “if it doesn’t spark joy, get rid of it.” If you want to take it to the next level, try the Project 333 Fashion Project, where you are challenged to wear 33 items (only!) for three months. You might find your creativity in fashion soars when you work with less, not more.

Focus Your Mind with a Digital Detox

A digital detox is when you set a specific period of time to go offline and disconnect from your devices, including your smartphone, laptop, and television.

With the information overload we suffer from in the modern world, a digital detox isn’t just important, in some cases it is imperative to disconnect. Research shows the average U.S. adult spends around 11 hours each day listening to, watching, reading, or interacting with media. Digital addiction is a real thing, and all this time spent on our devices pulls us away from more authentic human interaction. Ironically, the more connected we are digitally, the more isolated we feel emotionally.

If you are wondering if it is even possible to disconnect from your device, take inspiration from some celebrities that have completed a digital detox. Selena Gomez, with her 304 million Instagram followers, took a 90 day break from social media. She reported the experience was “the most refreshing, calming, rejuvenating feeling.” You don’t need to start with a 90 days detox, start with one day a week or even just decide to disconnect a few hours before going to bed. You might be amazed to see how your sense of well-being improves.

Go Natural

It’s ironic that some of the worst toxins in your living space are there to keep the space clean, but if you read the labels, you’ll likely be horrified to see what is in the cleaning products you are using in your home. Researchers say that the toxins in cleaning products can damage your lungs as much as cigarette smoking. These same researchers suggest that microfiber and water is often enough to effectively clean most surfaces, but if you want to take it up a notch, consider making your own natural cleansers. Castille soap, baking soda, and distilled vinegar are great bases for natural cleansers. And if you add a few drops of essential oils, your whole house will smell amazing.  Try these recipes to get started.

Detox Your Body

Last year we shared how to spring clean your body using your breath, and this year we’re focusing on detox. A detox for your physical body is a great way to renew your cells, remove toxins, boost your energy, and improve your health. From Ayurveda to juice programs, and from dry fasting to elimination diets, there are literally hundreds of detox options out there so experiment to find what works for your situation.

In Summary

There is a time and a place for everything. If you detox in the spring, you align your efforts with the natural rhythm of nature. A spring detox removes the things that hold you back and opens up space for new beginnings. Pick one or more of the detox tips above and watch a new fresh chapter start in your life.

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