Yoga Philosophy and Lifestyle

How Kundalini Changed My Life

September 20, 2016

It always amazes me when I look back at how kundalini changed my life. Kundalini yoga is a technology thousands of years old that helps you align with your authentic self. It works to realign all of the systems in the body in order to function at optimal levels so that an abundant amount of energy can flow through you.

As a result of practicing this yogic technology, the kundalini energy locked at the base of the spine begins to flow upwards through the upper chakras. When this happens, you can experience expanded and heightened consciousness as old problems, patterns, and identities begin to fall away.

All yoga works to unlock this vital energy at the base of the spine which gives heightened consciousness and healing. However kundalini yoga does it at an expedited pace, such that miraculous transformation can happen in a short amount of time, which is how kundalini yoga changed my life so quickly.

This deeply transformative practice allows one to merge with and relate to the infinite aspect of yourself and universal consciousness. Everyone will have a unique experience when practicing kundalini yoga, but the benefits of healing and transformation are unparalleled, in my experience.

I used to work at a large investment bank in New York City, and the technology of kundalini yoga allowed me to completely transform my life. In a short amount of time, I healed health problems and addiction, built self confidence, and found a larger sense of purpose and meaning. My identity was rebuilt to be that of an eternal soul rather than the limited sense of self I had previously based on my upbringing.

The practice works to restore harmony to and strengthen all of the major systems of the body, particularly the glandular system and nervous system. The tradition includes meditations which work to increase the electromagnetic frequency of the brain, helping to rewire subconscious beliefs and bring deep trauma to the surface of your consciousness for release and healing.

It is a practice suitable for anybody, with a variety of different meditations and kriyas that can accommodate and serve people of any age, level of health, or circumstance.

Practicing kundalini yoga quickly develops your intuition by activating the pineal gland and pituitary gland, also known as the third eye point, which works to balance the entire glandular system and bring you back into balance and harmony with the flow of the universe. A new level of ease can be experienced when the intuition is activated and trusted.

Want to know more about kundalini yoga and how it can affect your mental health? Check out YogaToday's Kundalini for Mental Wellness guide + FREE online Kundalini class for anxiety

This deeply healing transformational technology has the capacity to shift the consciousness of humanity, allowing us to solve the problems that we face today from a space of expanded and heightened consciousness.

The techniques of kundalini had previously been kept secret because of the power that they bestow on practitioners. However Yogi Bhajan, a master teacher of kundalini yoga, foresaw the challenges that would be faced in this time, and openly taught in the United states from 1969 - 2004 in order to provide a foundation of teachings that would help people during this turbulent and computerized time that he called the Aquarian Age.

Yogi Bhajan spoke of an increasing pressure on the planet as a result of computerized technology and knew that people would seek relief from this pressure through the practice of kundalini yoga.

Incorporating a kundalini practice into your daily life will allow you space for reflection and processing of inner turmoil so that you can approach your life from a space of clarity and higher perspective.

Once you are operating from a space of higher knowing, new opportunities and circumstances begin to open up. As your evolution is accelerated, you become able to help more people and act from a space of higher meaning and purpose.

Raising your consciousness helps you to experience happiness and ease in life. Kundalini works incredibly quickly to raise your consciousness making it a profound pathway for healing, transformation, and happiness. Simply put: Kundalini changed my life.

Want another perspective? Check out yoga teacher Fern Langham's post, "Why Kundalini is the New Vinyasa"

By Jackie O’Shea. Jackie O’Shea, also known as Onkarjeet Kaur, is a kundalini yoga and meditation teacher. She transformed her life in just a few years using the technology of kundalini yoga. She loves helping people align with their destiny path and higher purpose.

**Reference: Kundalini Yoga The Flow of Eternal Power by Shakti Parwha Kaur Khalsa 1996, Penguin Putnam Inc.