Health and Wellness

Hips Don’t Lie: How Hip Openers Release Old Emotions

September 23, 2019

Love ’em or hate ’em, hip openers are soooo good for you, physically, mentally and energetically. Most people love them because their hips are so tight and they need that release; and then again, most people dislike these hip openers for the same reason. So why are the hips filled with so much tension?

blond woman doing pigeon pose deep hip opener -yogatoday
Hip openers are a fabulous way to cleanse deep emotional stress.

Think of what you do when you are threatened or experience a sudden jolt. Our response to a physical threat is to draw our knees to our chest and curl up into a fetal pose for protection. If we hear some devastating news that brings us to tears, the response is to retreat to fetal pose to weep and guard ourselves.

The action of drawing the knees in, no matter how dramatic, starts at the hips. The muscles are tightly clenched but never fully released. This lingering grasp of the hips not only traps muscular tension but emotional tension too. It is the same action of clenching your fist when angry or grinding the jaw when stressed.

Whether it is one traumatic event or multiple small events, the feelings of fear, anxiety, and sadness are stored at the hips until we bring them to the surface and allow a release with these deep hip openers. The longer you suppres emotion, the tighter the grasp. Some may refer to these emotions as being “stuck” or “trapped” in the body.

Releasing Old Emotions Through Hip Openers

No matter how you say it, stretching the hip muscles will cause a release and allow emotion to escape.

Are you ready to confront your unresolved emotions? The body and mind are connected, so take it one step at a time. Acknowledge the emotion or experience you are working through and allow yourself to let go in these yoga stretches. When moving into hip opening postures, be cautious and go slow. You may need time and consistent practice of hip opening poses to experience release. So, be patient and gentle with yourself.

The surfaced emotion may feel like a weight has been lifted, and you may feel that sense of relief accompanied by saying “Ahhh.” But don’t be surprised if the emotion is released through tears. Be present through the experience and trust that it is leading you to your highest potential and true self.

In this way, practicing hip openers is a way to cleanse the body and welcome renewal.