Health and Wellness

7 Ways to Practice Self-Love

June 7, 2021
by Jessica Chapman

Self-love means truly caring about your own wellbeing. It’s one of the essential components of a happy life and remains one of the critical drivers of success in the modern world. A sense of self-worth ensures optimal productivity and opens the way to many life-changing opportunities and fulfillment. Here are 7 easy ways you can begin practicing self-love today!

1. Come up With a Self-Love Mantra

Create a phrase to act as a source of daily inspiration. This mantra can be very personal and may change depending on your mood or needs on any particular day. Some examples include “I create my own path and walk it with joy” "I am enough" or "I am deserving of emotional clarity and freedom. Self-love is leading the way."

2. Try Something New

Switching up your routine might be challenging and scary at first, but once you rise to the challenge, you will uncover a new layer of yourself you might not have known existed. After all, self-love begins with getting to know yourself. Trying new things can help expand your understanding of who you are.

3. Self-Love Requires Patience

Many of the best things in life take a long time to materialize. They call for exceptional hard work and the ability to stick to your goals without giving up. Practice patience when it comes to self-improvement: if you don’t accomplish something as soon as you expected, mindful breathing or meditation can help you accept things as they are.

4. Accept Help When You Need it

A majority of people find it hard to openly welcome help from others. While there may be genuine reasons in some cases, it’s generally healthy to accept assistance. We are social beings and need to lean on one another from time to time.

5.  Keep a Gratitude Journal

A gratitude journal is an easy way to acknowledge all of the good that you already have in your life. The key to keeping a gratitude journal is consistency: try writing down 5 things that you are thankful for every single day.

6. Avoid Comparing Yourself to Others

Everyone has their different journey, and constant comparison is sure to bring you down. When you catch yourself comparing yourself to others, come back to the present moment by using all five of your senses.

7. Personal Time is the Ultimate Expression of Self-Love

Creating time to have a special moment all by yourself is crucial to maintaining your mental health. Allocating only 10 to 20 minutes to pause and walk away from your busy schedule can go a long way towards rejuvenating your mind, body and spirit!

About the Author

About the AuthorJessica Chapman is a writer and editor from Chicago who, when she's not working with her research paper writing service, enjoys travelling and various outdoor sports and activities that her city has to offer.

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