Yoga Philosophy and Lifestyle

7 Questions for YogaToday's Camai Brandenberg

August 14, 2022

Camai Brandenberg is an LA-based Pilates and yoga instructor with over 700+ hours of experience in training and teaching, both in studios and private instruction. As a former division-one collegiate athlete, she prioritizes a healthy lifestyle and created her holistic wellness company, Embody by Cam in 2018 to encompass said passion with her fitness teachings at the core. Camai’s results-based teaching style has been described as disciplined, dedicated and supportive as she infuses creativity into each session. Her teachings are inclusive as she champions diversity in the boutique fitness space, creating an environment for her clients of all backgrounds to reach their personal goals. 

This week, we sit down with Camai to talk about the daily wellness practices that really work, the importance of unplugging, and what she hopes to bring to the Pilates and yoga space.

YogaToday Pilates instructor Camai Brandenberg

YogaToday: Tell us a bit about your background as a college athlete. How did this shape your understanding of wellness and living a healthy lifestyle?

Camai: I ran track and field for Ohio State University. I was recruited as a high jumper and long jumper but also competed in the heptathlon. Health and wellness have always been a part of my life and were prioritized in our household growing up. I believe our bodies were designed for movement. Taking care of your physical, mental, and spiritual health is essential and should be accessible to everyone.

YogaToday: How did you first discover yoga and Pilates, and what kept you coming back to these practices?

Camai: I first discovered yoga and Pilates at Ohio State. We had active recovery days each week with yoga and there was a Pilates studio I liked in the area. I was always the youngest one in class but I enjoyed the method and the fact that it was low impact, helping me stay injury-free.

YogaToday: What are some everyday things you do to stay fit and healthy?

Camai: I teach my Pilates classes primarily, hydrate, take my Sakara supplements and eat a plant-forward diet. I’m mindful of how much rest I get and also take care of myself mentally and spiritually.

YogaToday: What is your go-to post-workout healthy snack?

Camai: Post-workout is usually morning time so I like a blueberry protein smoothie with a vegan protein powder I’ve been making for years.

YogaToday Pilates instructor Camai Brandenberg

YogaToday: When you're not teaching or practicing, what are you up to?

Camai: Either playing tennis, reading, or relaxing without my phone or laptop.

YogaToday: What benefits do you hope to bring people with your Pilates practice?

Camai: My mission is to bring Pilates to as many people as possible. There’s a lot more room for diversity in Pilates and fitness in general. I’m always happy to help someone new discover Pilates and all its benefits.

YogaToday: Fave Pilates exercise?

Camai: Series of 5 (Ab Exercises). Always a great challenge for the core! 

Ready to practice with Camai?

Try a core-activating intermediate Pilates class on YogaToday.