Mindfulness and Meditation

60 Second Meditations You Can Do Anywhere!

October 18, 2020

60 second meditations sound too good to be true? Think again! One of the common misconceptions about meditating is that you have to dedicate 20 minutes to an hour and sit in complete stillness, which can be a daunting task for beginners or anyone feeling busy and overwhelmed already. This article will show you how to meditate in a short amount of time, explore meditation apps and guided resources, and more!

4 Amazing 60 Second Meditations to Choose From

Try one of the following 60-second mediations when you're short on time. You can practice these in the car, at your desk, or wherever you feel like taking a moment (literally) for yourself!

60 seconds of mindfulness

Mindfulness is a focused awareness of everyday activities like brushing your teeth. Almost any task can be completed mindfully. Practice 60 seconds of mindfulness today while washing a dish. Slow down and focus all of your senses on this one dish — feel the weight of it in one hand, and the lighter, softer sponge in the other. Smell the scent of dish soap and listen to the sound of the water running in the sink. Feel the soapy sponge as you move it across the plate, and watch your hands as they work to make it clean.

60 seconds of breathing

A quick meditation that you can do anywhere: focusing on your breath for just 60 seconds can lower your heart rate and reduce tension within your body. Set a reminder on your phone or computer. When it goes off do nothing but breathe for a full minute. Close your eyes if you can and try to think only about each exhalation and inhalation, making them as deep and even as possible.

60 seconds of counting

Similar to mindful breathing, counting to 10 provides a moment to focus on a calming action before moving on with your day. Try it right before you leave work for the day or before your dinner guests arrive. Close your eyes and count — you can do it in your head or out loud — and try to visualize each number as it passes to keep thoughts from interrupting. 

60 seconds of repeating a mantra

Mantra meditation is commonly used by athletes and performers as a calming tool before a big event. Repeating a word or phrase that you find comforting and empowering gives your brain something to focus on. This form of meditation can slow your heart rate and increase your inner peace. Try this before bed to keep the next day’s events from disrupting a peaceful night’s rest. 

Ready to Medi? Download an App

Now that you understand the various 60 second meditations available to you at any time, maybe you want to go deeper. Download an app right to your phone to help you relax any time of the day. 


The YogaToday apps for iPhone, Android, Roku and Apple TV give you access to guided meditations, yoga nidra, and meditation challenges as well as an entire library of yoga classes.


Calm offers guided meditations, breathing exercises, sleep meditations, and relaxing nature scenes, and sounds that you can access anywhere. Calm also has bedtime stories read by well-known voices to help you relax and peacefully fall asleep after a long day.

Stop, Breathe & Think

Stop, Breathe & Think is a free meditation app that tells you to stop what you are doing, check in with your thoughts, and assess your feelings.


QuietKit is another free app that provides guided meditations for beginners. You can choose increments from 2 to 10 minutes. If you prefer not to use their app you can listen to the meditations for free directly on their website.


Headspace offers a paid and premium option. The app’s free Take10 is a 10-day beginner's course that guides you through the essentials of meditation and mindfulness. Using Headspace is a great way to begin your practice of meditation.